

Politikul.ro > Actualitate > 17,400 companies deregistered in first two months of 2024

17,400 companies deregistered in first two months of 2024

As many as 17,400 companies were deregistered nationally, in the first two months of 2024, marking a 54.16% increase compared to the same period in 2023, according to the statistics of the National Trade Registry Office (ONRC).

The highest number of deregistrations were reported in Bucharest, totaling 2,624 (a 52.65% rise from January-February 2023), followed by Dambovita (927, +219.66%), Cluj (909, +74.81%), Timis (684, +30.78%), and Constanta (636, +11.97%).

Conversely, lower deregistrations were noted in Ialomita (111, up by 46.05% from the same period last year), Calarasi (116, +3.57%), Mehedinti (128, +7.56%), Giurgiu (136, +58.14%), and Covasna (139, +71.6%).

The most significant increases in deregistrations were observed in Dambovita (+219.66%), Harghita (+166.67%), and Maramures (+115.82%). No county experienced a decrease in deregistrations compared to January-February 2023.

Regarding the field of activity, the highest number of deregistrations occurred in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, with 3,972 companies affected (+31.31% compared to the same period in 2023), followed by agriculture, forestry, and fishing (2,114, +166.25%) and information and communications (1,685, +114.38%).

In February 2024, a total of 8,149 companies were deregistered, with the majority located in Bucharest (1,248) and the counties of Cluj (440), Timis (370), Dambovita (337), Ilfov (273), and Prahova (270).

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